

What is the story behind your drag name?

“The name Circules is a combination of Cersei, Goddess of Witches and Transformation, and Hercules. Cersei because I practice witchcraft in real life and I love anything dark and twisted, and transformations because drag is the art of transformation. Hercules because I very recently came out as non-binary at the same time as when I re-entered the scene, and I wanted Circules to be an embodiment and an homage to my non-binary identity.”


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Why is drag art?

Drag is art because everything you do in drag is a choice, down to your heels, down to your body, you can literally change everything about your entire persona. What kind of hair you choose to wear, what style of makeup you put on, and even what eye colour you want to have. Sometimes I have blackout scleras, sometimes I have red eyes, and sometimes I have simple pretty blue eyes. Drag is art because everything you do is an artistic choice.

What do you think are some of the misconceptions people may have about drag?

There are quite a lot of misconceptions when it comes to drag. I feel a lot of people think it's a sexual thing. Now, on one hand, these misconceptions can be true for some people, but drag first and foremost is an art form, as well as an exploration of gender. It's not something sexual, it's not meant to sexualize children, it's not meant to brainwash anybody and is not meant to indoctrinate anybody. It's an exploration of self-expression.

Can you describe a particularly memorable performance or moment in your drag career?

Honestly, I would have to say some of the most memorable moments I have, are simply being out with my sisters, brothers and siblings. Just having a good fucking time. It doesn't have to be at a drag show, sometimes we just go out to the bar. I love to get dressed up for no reason, and my favourite memories are dancing on the dance floor with my people and having a good time, just being gay as hell and being our authentic selves. There's nothing like when you go out in face or even out of face but with your chosen drag family. The energy, the love, the bond that we experience when we are together in those moments, it’s unparalleled.

What does your creative process look like when creating a new look or performance?

Um, my creative process takes a long time. I am constantly read for how long it takes
me to get ready. I can take up to six to eight hours just to do my makeup alone. I've since
slimmed it down to a good three or four hours but my focus is on the
makeup, and I base everything else around that. I'll find a makeup look that I'm really inspired by, like an anime or video game character, create a look from that and then go okay, what hair would go with this? What kind of clothes would this character wear? Eventually, I have a whole look built out of it.